Dolphin produced a series of six works based on the bust produced by a fan, left on Jim Morrison’s grave at Père Lachaise Cemetery in Paris. The works describe the progressive deterioration of the work each year, as the object was damaged by fan graffiti, which covered not only Morrison’s monument but also adjacent tombs. The bust itself gradually became considered part of the site, as people chipped parts of it off to keep and ultimately the item was stolen by 1987.
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1983, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1984, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1985, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1986, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1987, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm
Graham Dolphin, Jim Morrison 1988, 2010
Plaster, marble dust, marker pen, paint, ink, graphite, polymer, dirt
60 x 27 x 27 cm