What a piece of work is a man! How noble in reason! How infinite in faculties! How like an angel in apprehension. How like a god! The beauty of the world! The paragon of animals! And yet, to me, what is this quintessence of dust? — Withnail (reciting Hamlet).
Jimmy Merris makes short and strange videos.
It’s probably best not to say too much about them.
What we will say is this. You can expect asymmetric humour.
Not funny things. But the sense of a wit at work.
There is also pathos (… or should we say bathos?).
Between these two poles then…
Funny sadness. Fucking weird funny sadness.
Jimmy Merris (1983) is currently living in ‘Studio Downturn’ in Peckham. The studio includes a publishing press (specialising in dirty print), graduate career centre (more a place of respite), photography studio (no frills) and, most importantly for our interests, Downturn Films. He graduated from LCC in 2007. His website is: www.economicdownturn.org.uk
Jimmy Merris, Installation View, 2011
Jimmy Merris, Finding Your Feet in the Times of the Worried Man, 2011 (Still)
Jimmy Merris, Installation View, 2011